How to Add Multiple Links in Instagram Bio | Link In Bio & Bio Link Solutions 2022

Hello, Friends Welcome To In This Blog We’re gonna step through how to add multiple links on Instagram bios, By using a few simple tools Like Link In Bio, Bio-Link, Linktree, OpBioLink, etc. But In This Blog, We’re gonna Talk About Free Alternatives Only, so that All Of you can start taking advantage of your Instagram links in bio to Increase Traffic On Your Other Social Media Accounts as well as Youtube And Spotify.

Being restricted to just one link in your Instagram bio can be incredibly limiting.

That basically means just choosing one other social platform or website or lead magnet or product to share with your audience.

But there’s a few Instagram tools that do offer an easy work around, simplifying the process of sharing multiple links with your audience on Instagram. So we’re gonna take a look at a few of these options including our top tools for Instagram marketing and cramming in more links right now. With this, the easiest solution is to use a link service like Linktree, Shorby, Link In Profile, LinkinBio, there’s actually quite a lot of them.

So what all of these services do is they essentially create you, your own personal landing page, where you can add your own links, multiple links, to that page. You’ll then copy a link to that page and paste that link into your Instagram bio. And so, when anyone clicks on that, they’re taken over to your landing page, with multiple links.

Now, the biggest downside or pushback to using a service like this, is that some people don’t like that the new bio link doesn’t take your audience directly
to the page that you mention. So if you mentioned in a post that there was a link to go to your latest video, in your bio,
and they click on that, they’re then taken to your landing page, which would have a link to that video, but it means that they’re
not taken directly there. They’re taken to your landing page, essentially, first.

But I honestly don’t think that’s a big deal at all. Yes, you might lose a few
clicks because that link doesn’t go directly to the place,

but the ones that you do get, are usually gonna be higher converting because they’re more targeted and people can then link to multiple places, long term, without the need to constantly update links for each new video, blog post, sponsor deal, whatever.

Some Of Best Features Of BioLink
  • Custom Domains: Connect your own domain or use our predefined ones.
  • Deep linking: Provides the ability to enter deep links, like: steam://rungameid/id
  • Leap link: The ability to temporarily redirect a biolink page to a specific URL (useful when having promotions)

Now, as I said, there are a lot of providers who are offering this service, but really narrowing them down, my top two would be Linktree and OpBioLink. OpBioLink has a free plan, which gives you unlimited links on that page, Lots of themes Fully customizable, and In-depth Statistics analytics data. from the free plan, though,

they got a Pro Plan, which is only $6 per month. And on that plan, they’ve got a heap more features. You’ve got the ability to integrate with some email providers so that you can have direct links for people to sign up for your email list or your email newsletter. You’ve got a lot more themes, to customize up the look Also You can use Custom Domain So that you can personalize Your Branding. You can remove their OpBioLink branding from your page, as well. You can also customize up the URL for your links so that you can make it look more personalized or tailored to you and your Instagram profile. It also gives you the ability to add in thumbnail images for each one of your links. You also get access to much more advanced analytics, including things like UTM tracking. And, something I think is really powerful is the ability to add in your Facebook pixel tracking ID, so you can use this to build out custom audiences of people who have interacted with your profile.


So that’s how you can easily add multiple links to your Instagram bios for more impact and more results with people visiting your profile. So if you really wanna step up your Instagram Profile, check that one out, and I’ll see you soon.

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